Done is Better Than Perfect

Done is Better Than Perfect

Not yet, tomorrow, I need more time. It’s not right yet.

Do you stop yourself from starting something because it’s not perfect? I am realizing how true this quote is. If I wait until it’s perfect it won’t get done.

Usually, we think perfect means no mistakes but I am learning to have a different relationship with mistakes. They help me get better.

Practice makes progress.

I have my gray hair journey to thank for helping me feel the most comfortable in my skin that I have ever been.

Using Instagram, YouTube, and now my podcast on Anchor to share my story has helped me find my voice. The amazing women that I have found on this journey also gave me a great push to have the courage to be vulnerable.

Using these platforms I have tried things that put me out of my comfort zone. I did not know what I was doing but I learned through action. I remember hearing from Lisa Nichols that even in your imperfection you can still be just what someone needs.

How to Reframe Fear of Imperfection.

Here is a reframe: don’t focus on the getting it right on the first try;be open to getting better by making mistakes when you try and having realistic expectations. It takes humility to realize we won’t know everything and have to mistakes to learn. Being willing to make mistakes on the first try also help others to feel inspired to do the same. So don’t let things not being just right stop you from learning and doing better.

I would love for you to check out my first podcast episode on Anchor and let me know what you think.

I am so happy I joined in on Mattie James consistency challenge for this month to work on this blog more. It has reminded me how much I love to write and with more practice with each blog post I will make mistakes and get better and better.

Let me know what you will start with the mindset that by action you will be getting better with each try.

Remember that love is the best motivator for change. Keep transforming inside and out with love and compassion.🦋

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