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Lessons from 2020

This year made me appreciate the sunflower more and how I can be more like a sunflower 🌻

🌻growing where I’m planted

☀️keeping my face to the sun and back to the shadows.

☀️even in the darkest days I can stand tall and find the sun.

How to Fail Forward.

My hairstyle fails with my gray hair recently made me think of one of my favorite quotes from Lisa Nichols. She says when we fail to “fail forward.” I loved it. She redefines what failure means. It made sense that a “fail” does not have to mean something bad. It means we learned something. Oprah says “no experience is wasted.” A “fail “is an experience, right? So when you don’t allow an “experience” to go by without seeing the lesson or how you can do better the next time, than you have failed forward.

Enough is Enough!

Therein lies my struggle. I know having chronic conditions can limit how much I can do but it doesn’t limit me from doing something. What I still needed work with was being ok with what I did accomplish. Making what I did do ENOUGH.

That black and white thinking that says if I can’t do it to this level then it’s not worth it. This feels too easy it should be harder or I should be struggling.

Done is Better Than Perfect

So don’t let things not just right stopping you from learning and doing better. Here is a reframe: the fear of not doing just right on the first try is not the issue; it's being open to getting better by trying and having realistic expectations.