The Power of Perspective in Times of Struggle

The Power of Perspective in Times of Struggle

When I first had my son I was beyond blown away at how little I could do besides take care of him. I found myself saying many times I did “nothing” today based on the state of how my home looked. But I am thankful that a good friend of mine helped me gain perspective. She reminded me of all the things I do to keep my son alive. Things that are easy to minimize.

What I did to give me perspective


So to help me remember this awesome quote I found on Pinterest, I would write down in my notes app what I actually did.

I breastfed my son ALL day long.

I changed his diaper.

I gave him a bath.

I gave him love and affection.

I read to him and sang to him.

I also managed to eat so that I could keep the milk supply coming.

All the while dealing with my own chronic conditions. The exhaustion that was added on top of being a newly hormonal and sleep-deprived mom.

I also did not take a break or vacation but did that for him EVERYDAY.

Why perspective is important.

When I tell you perspective can make a difference. It is so easy to focus on all that I did not get done or that what I did does not amount to “much”, but when I looked at that list each day it gave me comfort, validation and strength to keep going.

It also helped me see not to minimize the things that may be “small” but add up to alot. My “little” guy is now four years old and in no way am I saying that I am home free but I survived those first couple of years that almost broke me.

Are you dealing with flareup with your health? Are you still at home in quarantine and feel like you haven’t got anything done? Remember to first take a deep breath let your shoulders down and know that the fact that you are doing the BEST you can with what you have during an unprecedented time in history is ENOUGH and shows your strength.


Write down your “small” wins.

Did you survive working from home.

Did you survive “distance” learning?

Are you surviving being home with the kids for the summer?

Did you eat today?

Did you brush your teeth?

Did you make your bed?

Write all these down old school pen and paper or in your notes app so when you feel like you are doing “nothing” you can get some comfort in what you ARE doing.

Don’t compare yourself to others, stay in your own lane. If you are dealing with mental health issues brushing your teeth, getting out of the bed and remembering to eat is no “small” task.

Be encouraged Beautiful 🦋 Remember that love is the best motivator for change. Let’s do 1% better at thinking loving thoughts and keep transforming inside and out with love and compassion.

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