Lessons from 2020

This year made me appreciate the sunflower more and how I can be more like a sunflower 🌻

🌻growing where I’m planted

☀️keeping my face to the sun and back to the shadows.

☀️even in the darkest days I can stand tall and find the sun.

How exercise is an act of Self-Love.

Something is BETTER than nothing. So if you have a bad day physically or mentally. Do just five minutes or one minute of activity. It helps and if you were like me and think what good is a minute of activity. Remember something my Doctor told me. What good is zero minutes doing for you?!!! She told me that 14 years ago and they keep ringing in my ear to this day.

Fall 7 Times Get Up 8

Make sure to get up one more time then you fell and you will get to the finish line. It isn’t a matter of IF you will fall, it’s WHEN.

Falling off one day happens to the best of us but when we make sure to get right back up then we can still keep going without losing our momentum.

What I Learned From Blogging for 4 Weeks.

One of the biggest lessons from this challenge was that the finish line is not as important as I thought. Don’t get me wrong the finish line did help give me a push on days I was struggling. What I learned is that growth happens in the middle, in the “process” and the more you focus on the gains from the process you will eventually get to your finish line.

If You Have Dry Gray Natural Hair Try This!!

Do you notice your hair is drier since it is gray? Gray hair tends to be dryer than pigmented hair because the loss of melanin also means loss of sebum or oil to keep hair moisturized. If you are gray AND natural you have more reason for dryness with your gray hair because kinkier hair has a harder time for the sebum from the scalp to reach the whole shaft of the hair. All the more reason to try to do a pre-poo treatment to help keep your gray hair moisturized.

How to Fail Forward.

My hairstyle fails with my gray hair recently made me think of one of my favorite quotes from Lisa Nichols. She says when we fail to “fail forward.” I loved it. She redefines what failure means. It made sense that a “fail” does not have to mean something bad. It means we learned something. Oprah says “no experience is wasted.” A “fail “is an experience, right? So when you don’t allow an “experience” to go by without seeing the lesson or how you can do better the next time, than you have failed forward.

5 Daily Intentions to Practice Today.

Goals can feel overwhelming in general but what has helped me is instead of focusing on larger goals like Self-Love or contentment. I have decided to focus on daily Intentions which help me start small. In a simple action step, I can contribute to my overall goals without feeling overwhelmed.

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray

I thank my son for giving me the push I needed to go gray out of necessity and convenience. Being a mom was a game-changer for me and as you moms know the realness after your child is born and you are sleep-deprived and out of your mind. When I saw how much energy I needed to take care of him and give him the care that he deserved it made me look at areas of my life where I could simplify my routines.