"You’re too young to go gray!"

"You will look old if you go gray!"

"You looked better with dyed hair."

What do all these have in common they are all opinions and opinions are like noses everyone has one.🤨

** Please Note: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. I only link to products that I personally like or that have been recommended to me by my beautiful butterflies. **

Don’t make the mistake of allowing  what others opinions or preferences dictate your choices.
— Naturally Graysful

You notice I didn’t say try to convince them to change their mind or justify your choice. That is a losing battle. Instead, practice letting go of making others approve of your decision!

Remember this Graysful truth: Others opinions are not facts and they are not your truth.

Have you allowed others to should on you? I have 😓

You shouldn’t use silicones!

You shouldn’t use grease!

You shouldn’t use sulfate shampoo!

You should cut off your dyed hair!

Remember this Graysful truth: One size does not fit all.

You have permission to style and care for your hair based on what works for you.

When you decide to go gray you seek out help to care for your gray hair and there is nothing wrong with that. You will find those who are gray and relaxed, gray and natural, those who straighten their hair or those who follow the curly girl method. These are OPTIONS for you to try and see through trial and error if they work for YOUR hair. You see someone's hair you love and want the same results but remember there are many factors that affect how YOUR hair will turn out.

Let your hair be the determining factor on whether something works or not. Just because it's popular or what the majority does, does not mean it will work for you and that's ok. It can be easy to feel boxed in and view these different ways to care for your hair as RULES instead of guidelines. You may find your hair can handle sulfates if you use grease or that your gray hair journey is better when it's straight or stretched. Remember the BEST way is the way that works for YOUR hair.

You don't need permission to do what works for you. YOUR hair journey does not have to look EXACTLY like everyone else's.

I have a confession to make...

I miss hair color. I do. I am not anti-dye. I miss the reds and caramels that my hair used to be. I also love a  short angled bob. Even when I relaxed my hair or colored my hair, there were times the exact look I "wanted" my hair would not give me. So that is where wigs and extensions come in.

I used to wear wigs for three reasons:

1. They were an easy go to hairstyle that let me "look put together" without me having to do my hair. 

2.Because my fine hair could not give me the volume I wanted.

3.Wigs allow me to revisit my faves without committing to the coloring my hair or straightening it. 

Just because I’m gray doesn’t mean I don’t want to switch it up with a new style. So I recently went to the beauty supply store and I was trying to find a gray wig  but the selection was so small and not what I wanted. The man told me the demand for gray hair is not high so they don’t carry much selection. I was so frustrated and disappointed. I found some success with Gray extensions and braids but gray wigs that looked cute were hard to find.

So I set out to try and make my own gray hair wig or extensions and I’m still in the process so I will update you on that.

Here is what I got on my beauty supply haul.

I ordered a wig on Amazon from a video I saw on YouTube but it was a fail. It was not long enough for my face shape and it was too soft. I didn't like the wavy style as I did on the video I saw. Proving again just because it looks nice on someone else doesn't mean it will work for you and that's ok. We won't know until we try it. What I love about Amazon as opposed to the beauty supply store. They have free returns. It is a final sale at my beauty supply store so at least I can try it and see if I like it and if not return it. Amazon also makes returns so easy. Just drop it off at UPS and they package and return it for you!

When I got the first gray wig and it didn’t work I was very disappointed and wanted to give up on wigs altogether but I decided to try again. These are some wigs I am going to try and I will let you know how they do.

I did try using a ponytail that was black and had the desired look I wanted and used this temporary wax in silver color to give me a gray effect. My amazing little sister also reminded me that I don’t have to just get gray hair wigs or extensions. She reminded me that I have permission to wear another color wig like the reds and caramels that I miss and not feel like I am betraying the gray hair community.

I love gray hair and I know for sure I won’t be returning to coloring my hair but I can still have fun with color temporarily with color wigs. The only thing with non-gray wigs is I will wear a bang style so I don’t have to worry about blending with my hair. Check out my amazon store to see some fun colored wigs I will be trying soon.

Gray hair Transition Options

As I was on my hunt for new styles I realized I can offer these as suggestions to those trying to grow out their gray. Transitioning to Gray Hair doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. Many ask me how can I go gray without my hair looking dull? I’m working on a video for you going over more options.

  1. You can use temporary dye or wax on your colored ends.

  2. You can permanently color your hair gray.

  3. You can wear wigs

  4. You can wear hats or headwraps.

  5. You can wear braids or extensions.

Now you may hear me say a lot not to base your decision on going gray by the roots that come in during your transition. Give yourself time to see how your hair will turn out before you decide. I realize that even after your hair grows out you may still hate it. 

Remember this Graysful truth that maybe I don’t say enough. You can change your mind.

You may not have expected to hear that from me because I do my best to encourage those who are deciding to go gray. I am not anti dye I am for what works for you. You may not love your gray hair and choose to dye it again.

You don’t have to justify your choices. You don’t need mine or anyone’s permission to do what works for you.

In Conclusion

Remember these Graysful truths and tips:

  1. Don’t make the mistake of allowing other’s opinions or preferences to dictate your choices.

  2. Others’ opinions are not facts and they are not your truth.

  3. One size does not fit all. YOUR hair journey does not have to look EXACTLY like everyone else's.

  4. You have permission to style and care for your hair based on what works for you.

  5. Let your hair be the determining factor on whether something works or not. 

  6. Remember to gather information to make your own decision based on what works best for you.

  7. You can change your mind.

Lessons from 2020

Lessons from 2020

How exercise is an act of Self-Love.

How exercise is an act of Self-Love.