What If?

What If?


My goal with my blog is to present the many opportunities that each day offers me to practice self-love.  The opportunity has arose with these words (What If?) which have been running like a broken record in my head as I work on putting this blog together. These two words can be sabotaging or they can be empowering depending the direction I take them. For example, if I think what if this doesn’t work, what if no one reads my blog? What if I am wasting my time? Using "What If?" this way is sabotaging. It keeps me paralyzed with fear. If I think, What if it does great? What if I reach one person like I was reached and what if I learn from what doesn’t work? Much more empowering questions that will keep me in motion.

My goal is to choose love over fear with every opportunity I am presented with. I am so used to making decisions based on trying to prevent or control something I fear. Rejection, disappointment, and failure. Well here goes! I am doing it anyway. I enjoy expressive writing. Having a place to put the icky feelings. Out on paper or the screen they seem less scary and icky. So, what if I just keep writing to set the fears, doubt and insecurity free? What if I keep doing that until it feels more comfortable. What if I allow the writing to be practice with embracing the feeling of discomfort. This is definitely out of my comfort zone. Not the writing itself but putting it out there in the blogosphere. Opening myself up to other’s interpretation of my feelings. What if it’s not about other’s interpretation? What if it’s about how I honor my words and experience and let others have the right to have their view, without that meaning that I am not good enough.

Abundance vs. Lack

Abundance vs. Lack

The Gift In Each Day

The Gift In Each Day